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Komen Northwest NC Race 2016

Komen Northwest NC took a different approach to its
May 2016 Race for the Cure compared to that of past
years and made it an evening 5K event as opposed to
a morning race, as it had been previously.
With this change in time for the race came a need for
new branding material that was pink and exciting, but
strongly communicated the change in time for the event.
We went through several concepts before landing
on the final product.

Initial Concept

Shining a Light Poster Mockup_NoBackground.jpg
There's Magic Poster Mockup_NoBackground.jpg
pink glow.jpg
glow behance cover photo wix.jpg

Final Concept
Final concept designs were based
on the Executive Director's vision.

Fight.Hope.Cure. Black Shirt NEW.jpg
FIN Race 2016 Car Magnet.jpg
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